“We will be ready to work with other Kurdish lists”


Goran movement is established to demolish the huge wall between local residents and Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and make changes in the governments’ administration and political systems as well as destroy corruption phenomena and protect the Regions’kurdistan_flag

Sulaimaniyah, Feb. 2 (AKnews) –  The Kurdistan Region is out of the foreign stats’ threats but it has serious interior threats such as corruption, lack of social justice and project services, said the senior of Goran list, achieved 25 seats in Kurdistan Parliament, Mohammad T. Rahim in his exclusive interview with the Independent National News Agency of Kurdistan (AKnews).


AKnews: Goran movement achieved 25 seats from Kurdistan Parliament last year, could you tell us what is the main goal of your movement?

Mohammad Rahim: Goran movement is established to demolish the huge wall between local residents and Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and make changes in the governments’ administration and political systems as well as destroy corruption phenomena and protect the Regions’ victories. 

“We are believed that there are not any foreign outrage threats on the security and lull of Kurdistan Region, after falling down the former dictatorship regime “Saddam Hussein” and improving the Iraqi national Constitution, but I would like to say that we have internal risks which are concerned us like social justice, up growing Region’s economic direction and changing both political and administration systems. 

AKnews: Have you prepared yourselves to the next upcoming elections in Iraq? What is your suggestion for the potential election? 

MR: We have got experience from the previous Kurdistan National Parliament election and we have some changes into our movements’ programs, and also we are strongly believed that we will gain further votes from the earlier Kurdistan Parliament election. 

AKnews:  Are you engaging to the Kurdistani List Potential programs or following to you own program directions fro the Iraqi upcoming national elections?

MR:  I suppose that the Kurdish MPs did not take into consideration the previous Iraqi parliament and they had focused on the posts and positions rather than the Iraqi attitudes to Kurdistan Region, herewith, we are as Goran List will not care about the political positions and posts, but we will deeply concentrate on the Iraqi behavior to the Kurdistan Region.

AKnews:  how is Goran’s treatment and relationship with the rest political parties in the Kurdistan Parliament?

MR: We have a healthy relationship with some parliament members and other political list inside the Kurdistan Parliament, and we are ready to deal with other local political parties to discuss about the specific matter outside parliament sessions.

AKnews:  How do you take into account the political rout in Kurdistan Region and what kind of relationship with the current Kurdistan Regional Government?

MR: According to the current political environment in Kurdistan, we suppose that the majority of Kurdish people are disturbing from corruption phenomena, missing social justice and lacking public services, and we are deeply concerning about the current political situation by the political parties due to lack of public services such as electricity, pure water and paving and pitching streets and roads as well as few school buildings, and thus we are not have any relationship and conduct with Kurdistan Regional Relationship.    

AKnews:  What do you think about the financial portion which is allocated to the local political parties from the next Regional national budget for 2010? Do you have any requirement to achieve financial support from it?  

MR: it is normal that every political entity or party get the financial back up and support from the national budget according to the achieved parliament achieved seats and/or the number of attained votes in its parliamentary elections in the rest of world states due to every single political party needs financial support to manage its entity and we ask to the parliament presidency to determine the rate of financial portion for the whole parliamentary lists according to the number of gained seats from the national budget. 

AKnews:  You had required official license from the Regional Interior Ministry a time ago, what happened to your requirement?  Would like being the political entity or remain as a political movement?

MR: Herewith, the wing of Goran is looking to find out legal way for managing its tasks, and we have required license as a political movement from the Interior Ministry. 

AKnews:  what is your obstacle? Do you have internal problem? 

MR: I can tell you that we have internal different point of views, but not local tensions, and also our supporters are facing to some problems such as cutting daily breads and beating. 

AKnews:  What will your attitude with the rest Kurdish lists in the next Iraqi parliament round? 

MR: We will ready to work with other Kurdish lists by setting the proper political agenda with other local lists via terms. 

AKnews:  Will you participate in the next potential government of Iraq? 

MR: The next prospective Iraqi parliament will decide on us whether we are in or out in the upcoming government according to its relationship with the Regional government and also relying on our decisions whether we will be opposition or member list in the government at the same time!! 

AKnews:  Do you any relationship with any Iraqi political party? 

MR: We will not deal with any Iraqi political party until the end of the Iraqi election process and then we will decide to make alley with Iraqi political entities after an integral studying review on its agenda. 

AKnews:  what is do you think about the Iraq president’s position? Do you support to any Kurdish figure if he/she will select as a next president of Iraq? 

MR: We do not care who will be next President, Prime Minister of Iraq but the most important point is returning back the expel places for the Regional territory, including pending the perennial trouble areas dossier like Kirkuk  or Khanaqin  with the central government. 

AKnews:  what is your point of views about reuniting both Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Patriotic Union (PUK) of Kurdistan’s local forces (Peshmarga)?

MR: we are welcoming such kind of development process due to every political party’s security forces and foundation must belong to the Regional governments’ foundations. 

AKnews:  Do you want the Regional Province election might be taken place in the major cities? 

M: The election must emerge in Kurdistan Region and it is planned to be held it on that October 31. 

AKnews:  You had claimed to establish the Media Company after separating with PUK Party but you are being the political movement, what is the reason behind it? 

MR: at the beginning we made Wsha Media Company, and then changed to Goran movement by supporting of some people as a Kurdish Political necessity situation in Kurdistan Region. 

AKnews:  Do you think that tension will occur during the Iraqi next election propagandas as we have seen in the Kurdistan Parliament election ones? 

MR: we will expect that the tension will occur again in the next election process in Iraq, but it will have the negative impacts on the political reputation that emerging obstacles on the election process in Iraq. 

AKnews:  Do you have candidates in the rest of Iraqi Provinces, excepting Kurdistan Region?

MR: We have candidates from Baghdad, Mosul, Salahaddin and Diyala Provinces. 

AKnews:  What is your suggestion to the next Iraqi and Kurdistan Region political issue? 

MR ; I suppose that Iraqi will root the democratic way, even though it has several problems and I think the next Iraqi election process will have its own impact on the political issue in Kurdistan Region. 

AKnews:  The US Embassy delegation visited to you, what was their message to you? 

MR: The declared that the Iraqi upcoming election is so important to U.S. and it must be taken its position very successfully, including opposition parties existence. 

AKnews:  What do you think about Goran’s movement Future? 

MR: Goran will the model to be imitated by other political entities.



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