Iran’s military dictatorship


Khamenei with IRGC Commanders. IRGC Commanders are appointed by Khamenei

After listening to Hillary Clinton (Clinton: Iran Is Becoming Military Dictatorship) talking about how Iran’s Revolutionary Guard isaya_1424908c
“supplanting” the government of Iran one really becomes bewildered by the United States Iran-policy.


Apparently, the US believes that the supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, and Mahmoud Ahmedinejad are powerless figures, who are being controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. It seems that the fact that both Ahmedinejad and Khamenei have roots in the Revolutionary Guard – and that one of the main reasons behind the ever-increasing power of the Revolutionary Guard is the support that Khamenei bestows upon the organization – has eluded the Obama administration. This is somewhat disturbing, most of us presumed that a state that has been in a constant conflict with Iran during the last 31-years should know more about the power structure of its enemy.

But what is more disturbing is that the US apparently believes that Khamenei and Ahmedinejad are the legitimate rulers of Iran, but they have the unfortunate luck of being “supplanted” by the Revolutionary Guard.

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