Low Turnout for Ahmadinejad’s Visit To Orumieh City


8 April 2010 – Medya News – The President of the Islamist Regime in Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his cabinet010653

members travelled to Orumieh City in Northwest of the Country in West Azarbijan Province on Wednesday as part of Ahmadinejad’s provincial tours to showcase and boost his popularity and support in the provinces.

The visits are also part of the current government’s agenda to demonstrate  popular support for the regime and Ahmadinejad’s government.

During the visit, Ahmadinejad will receive letters form people who will attend the gathering ceremony planned for him.

In these pictures (photo gallery below), you will notice the low turnout of people and those who are there are busy writing letters to Ahmadinejad.

Also interesting is the banner in one of the pictures that reads “the Azarbijani Nation…” in Azeri Turkish while there are no signs in Kurdish where more than half of the city’s population is made up of Kurds, and the government and the dominant ethnic group rarely refer to the Non-Persians as ‘nation’.

According to Kurdistan News Agency, agents, militia and basiji members from the surrounding cities of Nagadeh, Mako, Sradasht and etc…were called to showcase a larger crowd to welcome Ahmadinejad.

Students were once again lured to this staged gathering, and letter writing technique was once more used to deceive public into this gathering.

Many shops remained open to protest Ahmadinejad’s presence at the city, Kurdistan News Agency reported.

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