Another Kurdish Political Prisoner Sentensed to Death in Iran


23 Apr 2010 – Medya News – Kurdistan Media a source from Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan quoting Mokryan News Agency announced today that a Kurd from city of Sena( Kurdistan Province) northeast of Iran sentenced to deathdar1


The details of the verdict are not clear, but Halbibullah Golparwar might have been charged with collaboration with opposition groups seeking self-rule for the Kurds of Iran.

There are 21 more Kurdish political prisoners in Iran with similar charges and verdict awaiting their execution.

Fasih Yasamani and Ihsan Fatahian, two Kurdish political prisoners were executed in Iran in January 2010 and November 2009 respectively.

Despite growing international pressure against Islamic republic of Iran’s gross human rights violations, the regime continues to use fabricated charges against political activists and carries out their executions.

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