Kurdish Political Organizations Jointly Condemn Recent Executions

10 May 2010 – Medya News – Following the mass execution of political prisoners in Iranian Ismaic regime’s, there were widespread uproar and antipathy towards the regime’s disregard for human rights especially the rights of the political prisoners.Kuordish_Political_Organization

For their part, Iranian Kurdish opposition groups jointly released a statement to condemn this inhumane act.  The exact statement of the three prominent organizations is as follow:

Joint statement on the execution of five political activists in Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran has once again shown its enmity against the Kurdish people. In fear of losing their power the regime continues to suppress, torture, imprison and execute Kurdish and Iranian citizens.

The Islamic Republic of Iran announced that they had executed five political prisoners by the names of Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heiderian, Ferhad Wekili, Shirin Alemholi and Mehdi Islamian, on Sunday, the 9th of May 2010.

We, the undersigned political parties, condemn the execution of these brave freedom activists and express our sincerer condolences to these individuals’ friends and families. We also urge human rights organizations and political organizations all around the world not to be quiet about this tragic incidence and to condemn this brutal act.

The Kurdish people will not bow down to the oppression of the Islamic Republic and we will continue with our struggle until we fulfil the goals and hopes of our martyrs, which is to bring about an end to the Islamic Republic and to attain freedom for all of Iran’s different nationalities.

The regime has ones again proven to the Kurdish people that they can never trust the regime, because the regime will take every opportunity given to it to execute our Kurdish youth.

The Islamic Republic has also proven that there is no other way to obtain freedom without the overthrow of this murderous regime.

Long live the Kurdish peoples freedom fighters!

Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

Komala – Revolutionary Toilers of Kurdistan

Organization of Struggle for Iranian Kurdistan

May 9, 2010

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