New British PM Calls for Strong Sanctions Against Iran

BRUSSELS, June 17 (Saba) — British Prime Minister David Cameron, stressed here today that it was important the EU puts additional sanctions on Iran, according to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA).

Speaking at a news conference together with the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso ahead of an EU summit , Cameron said today’s meeting has “a very positive agenda of Europe on the world stage in terms of making sure we have strong package of sanctions on Iran something that is going to be dealt today and which we believe incredibly important.”

Appearing for the first time in an EU summit as British Prime Minister, Cameron said “you will see Britain playing a very positive, a very engaged a very active role in the EU .< He pledged that “we will be a good promoter of free trade, of Doha round and everything that we can get the engines of the world economy moving.”

He noted that the UK is not a member of the eurozone “nor we are going to become one but a strong successful eurozone is vital for Britian’s national interests.” On his part, Barroso said he firmly believes “that the United Kingdom has a crucial role to play in Europe with a positive agenda for reform.”

“We fully agree that our joint priorities must be on restoring sound public finances, increasing competitiveness, investing in areas that generate future growth and building also trustworthy financial markets. That is what we want from the European Council (EU summit) today,” Barroso added.

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