Stop the execution of Sakineh Ashtiani in Iran

Press conference of the International Committee Against Stoning

New information on the threatened execution of 43 year old Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, andPeter_Tatchell
others who have been also sentenced to death by stoning in Iran, will be revealed at a London press conference this Friday by Mina Ahadi, Coordinator of the International Committee Against Executions and the International Committee Against Stoning.

Other press conference speakers include Maryam Namazie, Iran Solidarity spokesperson, and human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell.

The press conference will take place this Friday, 30 July, in the Brockway Room, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL, from 11am to 12 noon.

The meeting is open to the media and the public. All opponents of the death penalty and supporters of international human rights are welcome to attend.

“In response to the international outcry, some Iranian officials report that Sakineh’s execution has been put on hold,” said Peter Tatchell.

“Other reports suggest that the stoning sentence has been revoked and that she will be hanged instead.

“All these reports remain unconfirmed by the Iranian judiciary, which has the final say.

“Sakineh is still under threat of execution.

“The government of Iran has banned the country’s media from reporting Sakineh’s case, which suggests they know most Iranians do not support the barbarity of stoning.  

“To deflect international condemnation, the Iranian authorities have falsely claimed that Sakineh was sentenced to death for committing murder, when court documents clearly show that she was condemned to be stoned for having sex outside of marriage.

“The Tehran regime has issued an arrest warrant for Sakineh’s lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaei. It has arrested his wife and brother-in-law, neither of whom have committed any crime. They are being detained in an apparent bid to force Mostafaei to hand himself over the police.

“The death sentence passed on Sakine Mohammadi Ashtiani for committing adultery is disproportionate, excessive and a violation of human rights.

“Stoning a person to death is particularly barbaric. It has no legitimate place in any legal system in the twenty-first century; especially for a non-violent act of adultery between consenting adults.

“Even if the sentence has been changed from stoning to hanging, any execution is immoral.

“The real crimes are the cruel, barbaric and inhuman acts of stoning and other forms of execution. The death penalty should be abolished – in Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, the US and worldwide.” added Mr Tatchell.

Please sign the Avaaz petition to save Sakineh’s life:

For more information about the press conference and campaign, contact:

Maryam Namazie
07719 166 731
International Committee Against Executions:
International Committee Against Stoning:
Iran Solidarity:

Peter Tatchell – 020 7 403 1790

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