Japan OKs new financial sanctions against Iran

By blade
Created 03/09/2010 – 09:22

Japan’s cabinet Friday approved new sanctions against Iran, including an assets freeze on figures linked to its nuclear programme and tighter restrictions on financial transactions, media reported.Iran_Atom_program

The step comes a month after Tokyo approved punitive measures in line with a June UN Security Council resolution which slapped a fourth set of sanctions on Iran over its refusal to halt uranium enrichment work.

The new sanctions include a freeze on the assets of more than 100 groups and individuals linked to the country’s nuclear programme, which many nations fear masks a drive for atomic weapons, Jiji Press reported.

The new package of sanctions also bar Japanese financial institutions from buying bonds issued by Iran’s central bank, media reports said.

The United States, the European Union, Canada and Australia have also announced additional sanctions, which have been opposed by Russia and China, now Iran’s closest trading partner, with major energy interests in the country.

Washington has urged Tokyo to help raise the pressure on Tehran, despite Japan’s usually friendly ties with Iran, a major oil supplier to the energy-hungry archipelago nation.

In early August US State Department special adviser for non-proliferation and arms control Robert Einhorn said in Tokyo: “Japan imports a lot of oil from Iran, but the steps we are asking Japan to take would not interfere in any way with Japan’s energy security, its imports of oil from Iran.”

Iran maintains that its nuclear programme is peaceful.

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