Norway mass murderer wanted to punish Muslims for ‘treason.’ By Ray Moseley


As Norwegians flocked to churches on Sunday to pray for the nearly 100 people killed by a rightwing fanatic, it wasBomb_at_Oslo_2011
revealed that he prepared for his slaughter of innocents by writing a 1,500-page messianic, hate-filled manifesto vowing to punish “enablers of Islamization” for their “treasonable acts.” Anders Behring Breivik posted the manifesto online on the day of his attack on Friday and said he had been working on it for three years. He has been described by police as a Christian fundamentalist with extreme rightwing and anti-Muslim views, and officers said he revealed he began planning for his attack nine years ago.

Mr. Breivik shot dead at least 86 teenagers on an island near Oslo after killing seven with a huge car-bomb explosion in the center of the Norwegian capital outside government offices.

A further 97 people were wounded and police on Sunday raised the death toll from 92 to 98. They said a mini-submarine was searching waters around Utoeya island for five missing youngsters believed drowned as they attempted to flee.

Police said when Mr. Breivik surrendered he had two weapons and plenty of ammunition left.

Mr. Breivik’s lawyer, Geir Lippestad, said his client realized his actions were “atrocious” but necessary. He will be arraigned in court on Monday and has promised to explain himself fully, the lawyer said.

In his manifesto, he declared war against multiculturalism and described it as a war for the Christian tradition that Norwegian society was built upon. If the war costs a million lives, he said, that will be acceptable because so many people have suffered from multiculturalism.

He expressed confidence that, in the end, people will be grateful to him and thank him for what he has now done.

“He wanted a change in society and, from his perspective, he needed to force through a revolution,” Mr. Lippestad told public broadcaster NRK. “He wished to attack society and the structure of society.”

Immigrants, many from Pakistan, Iraq, Poland, and Somalia, account for more than 11 per cent of the Norwegian population, and that evidently was the source of his hatred.

He signed the manifesto “Andrew Berwick,” an apparent Anglicization of his name, and gave his address as London. He described himself as “justiciar knight commander for Knights Templar Europe and one of several leaders of the National and pan-European Patriotic Resistance Movement.”

The manifesto discussed weapons he planned to use. “I would rather have preferred a Ruger Mini 30, but I already own a 7.62 bolt rifle and it is likely that the police wouldn’t grant me a similar calibre,” he said.

He said he filled out an application form for a weapon by saying he wanted it to hunt deer. “It would have been tempting to just write the truth; ‘executing category A and B cultural Marxists/multiculturalist traitors’ just to see their reaction.”

In another passage, he talked of using an HK416 assault rifle with “redpoint” optics or any assault rifle such as an AK47, as well as a Glock handgun with silencer and laser, grenades, knives and a gas mask.

At age 25, he said, he took a year off work and played a video game called World of Warcraft and was currently playing Modern Warfare 2 “casually.”

He fantasized that, after his arrest, the media would seek to portray him as a pedophile, a homosexual, a psycho, thief, non-educated, inbred, maniac, monster etc. “I will be labelled as the biggest (Nazi-) monster ever witnessed since WW2.”

He even listed countries he has visited, including 17 in Europe plus the United States, Turkey, Mexico, China, Nigeria, Ivory Coast and Liberia.

Most of his victims were teenagers attending a youth camp sponsored by the governing Labor Party on an island northwest of Oslo. In the city center, government employes were among his victims.

On Sunday King Harald and Queen Sonja and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg joined mourners at Oslo Cathedral. The king and queen wiped away tears during the service. Pews were packed and the crowd spilled into the plaza outside the church. Flowers and candles were strewn about and people who could not get inside huddled under umbrellas in the rain.

The manifesto said the “liberals” Mr. Breivik opposed included figures in the Christian churches.

Before carrying out mass murder, police said he also posted a video on YouTube that has since been removed. Entitled “Knights Templar 2083-Movie Trailer,” it includes photos of him, in one of which he poses in a wetsuit with a military-style firearm, and imagery of medieval Crusaders.

The video calls for a “conservative revolution” to rid Europe of Islam and Marxism.

“The first drop of rain marks the coming of a great and unstoppable cultural conservative tidal wave,” he says. “The tidal wave will cleanse Western Europe of cultural Marxism and will result in the banishment of Islam. . .The European tree of liberty will be refreshed by the blood of our patriots and of the Marxist tyrants.

“This civil war will last several decades but we will succeed. Never forget that we fight so that you and your children can remain free. . .A Europe worth dying for.”

Another of the many graphic descriptions of the slaughter on the island emerged Sunday from young Adrian Pracon. He said he fled when the shooting started and later, as the gunman closed in, he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.

He said Mr. Breivik arrived shooting and “people were falling dead over me. The water was turning red. It was just a complete massacre.”

He said he could hear Mr. Breivik breathing, and could feel air from his gun as he fired and a bullet hit him in the shoulder.

“I was completely still when he shot me and that saved my life,” he said.

He described Mr. Breivik as “extremely calm, relaxed,” and said that while teenagers were running from him, Mr. Breivik never ran, just walked forward steadily and shouted: “You’re going to die.”

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