MPs and politicians: Al- Wefaq uses threats, accusations and blasphemy as escalation methods

MPs and politicians: Al- Wefaq uses threats, accusations and blasphemy as escalation methodsHazbolah_in_Bahrain_350_x_233

Some MPs and politicians asserted that Al-Wefaq started practising the same methods used in 2002 They pointed out that a lot of practices indicate that Al- Wefaq and its leaders do not want prosperity and welfare for the country. They asserted that such practices will harm the reputation of Al- Wefaq itself and not the reform project in Bahrain. In declarations to Al Watan, they asked for putting an end to sedition and to the Iranian agenda of Wilayat al-Faqih and they called for the application of the law to punish those who want to threaten Bahrain’s stability and security. Because Bahrain has always been a nation of legal institutions and laws, it will never give up its rights
Escalation Agenda
Badr Al Hammadi, the human rights, political and legal activist, said that Al Wefaq is following a policy of aggravation regardless its participation in the legislative authority and this aggravation is a whole agenda which aims at harming the country, the regime and even the people of Bahrain. He pointed out that this policy is carried out through political lies, underestimating rights granted by the government, hitting the economy by spreading chaos and aggravating the crisis and telling lies to local and foreign media. He also said that a lot of practices indicate that Al- Wefaq society and its leaders do not want prosperity and welfare for the country. Badr Al Hammadi also pointed out that a policy of terrorism, threat, assault and aggression on the right of anyone to have different opinions were at the roots of the foundation Al Wefaq society. He added that Al Wefaq would have never been heard if they hadn’t resorted to practices such as threatening, intimidation, severe aggression towards citizens, and abuse of power in public institutions when they were MPs. These practices contradict political freedom as we all know that politics is based on transparency and respecting different opinions in order to reach a consensus on public policy. Al Hammadi also asserted that the real image of Al Wefaq will not be revealed unless we see its differences with society. These days, Al Wefaq has revealed its true face: Anyone who shares its opinions is a friend and any who has different opinion is an enemy, a traitor, a pro-government and the list gets longer.
He added that threatening, intimidation and instigating people in the streets on rights and liberty scandalize and unmask Al Wefaq even more than the 14th of February events did. Today, Because Al Wefaq failed to abort the complementary elections as it failed in the national consensus dialogue, it put forward a second plan which is not consistent with the reform project suggested by his majesty the king and which consists of refusing the national consensus and aborting the complementary elections through violence and riots in the streets
He said, “As political and legal analysts, we demand that the government’s executive and legislative branches shall reinforce the law, maintain peace and order and protect the country’s achievements .We have had enough of human and economic losses and anyone who wants to harm Bahrain or fulfil foreign agendas like Wilayat Al-Faqih, which was a big conspiracy against Bahrain and Bahrainis, should be punished by law. And as a man of law, I think that punishments should become more severe and some laws should be reviewed, especially those related to abuse of the country’s leaders, aggression against civilians and military men, threatening civil peace, and spreading the culture of fear in the streets. Also, new restrictions should be put on demonstrations, sit-ins and protests where the number of protesters as well as the public places should be restricted by law.”
He then added, “There must be commitments and stringent controls in case such laws and restrictions are not respected. There must also be laws on fund raising, where money and its movement inside and outside the country will be controlled by an independent committee which will also monitor money movement in charitable, political and social work organizations. Besides, there should be laws against the abuse of “ minbars “ ( religious platforms ) which will define the constants that should not be raised or dealt with , like instigating people against the country’s regime , threatening civil, sectarian and social peace , attacking other religions or religious freedom ,attacking other brother countries , and the use of “ minbars” to harm or threaten the country and public safety.
As for MP, Dr. Ali Ahmad, he said that Al Wefaq made a big mistake by boycotting the 2002 elections. It did so because it was, unfortunately, listening to people who didn’t care about the welfare of Bahrain and it thought that by following his path it would gain the most achievements. But, in reality, Al Wefaq lost a lot due to this boycott and gained nothing but missing public interest.
He pointed out that Al Wefaq is repeating the same mistake by boycotting the present elections and trying to justify that decision by saying that- according to one of its MPs on a satellite channel- they didn’t achieve anything through the Parliament and, therefore, resorted to the street because the recent changes have occurred not through parliaments, but through streets.
Dr. Ali Ahmed said: ”We unfortunately confirm that this is “Al Wefaq’s” nature; it only looks at facts from a single angle without taking into account pioneering experiments in other Arab or foreign countries where change has been the fruit of a national consensus. Morocco is an example. And only through dialogue have they drawn up a new constitution there”. Ali Ahmed has also insisted that “bullying and demonstrating in the street may only happen if countries lack constitutional institutions; if there are constitutional institutions though, consensus must exist. In fact, it is impossible to develop reforms without consensus. This is the path we wanted to keep on pursuing when His Majesty called for the national dialogue”.
“Al Wefaq has made the wrong decision when it resorted to the street; it will certainly regret it. Those “Al Wefaq” defends their interests in Bahrain will regret, too.” Ali Ahmed added. “Al Wefaq members must be rational and should not support few people outside Bahrain who are all the time inciting Bahraini people against the political regime. True opposition should be working in Bahrain through legislative institutions. If Al Wefaq does not abide to this, it will harm its reputation but will not necessarily harm the project and reform in Bahrain at all,” Dr. Ali said. He added, ”I have a set of messages to convey; the first is that the law must be applied on an equal basis because we are a state of institutions and law. During the last decade, there has been laxity in law application despite the judges’ fairness. This caused a disregard for the law among many people. Applying the law is the best solution. Developed countries which apply the law firmly and respect the State’s sovereignty are the best example for us. The second message is addressed to the fact-finding committee. It must apply the law. If there are legal disciplinary actions against any employee, they have to be applied. Exerting pressure to release a group of thugs without any convincing justification is not acceptable.” Ali Ahmed said. He pointed out that the message he sent to the fact-finding committee came only after some local newspapers said that the committee members exerted pressure on some institutions either to reintegrate some fired employees or to declare amnesty for others. “This will cause trouble in Bahrain,” he said. The fact-finding committee members are professional experts who are able to understand the Bahrain context. The decisions they made will not help Bahrain. They will lead to more problems, though. If a disciplinary action against any employee is passed, he can appeal to courts. Bahraini courts are recognized for their integrity and fairness” Ali Ahmed added. . He said: “I hope the fact-finding committee works within the terms of reference set by His Majesty. Its role is to prepare a report and to justify it,” he added. Second, the fact-finding committee should not play the role of the judicial power. “The third message is to all Bahraini people including honourable ones. They should have a role in applying the law. They should have a great role with the fact-finding committee to highlight the facts and the problems that occurred during the last period due to suspension of work at schools, universities and hospitals. Even people with special needs faced problems because they did not get enough care after people went on strike. We have to clarify the truth and apply the law on the negligent,” Ali Ahmed said.

Methods of threats and accusations of treason.

The MP Ali Al Zayed said “that “Al Wefaq” has been practising the same policy based on methods of threats and accusations of treason and blasphemy. These methods were applied before 2002. Al Wefaq is still threatening civil peace, betting on the distinction between the Bahraini communities, and practicing violence in the street.” “We reject the approach Al Wefaq follows. We hope it will reflect on its practices and give up trying to apply foreign agendas, and show, instead, enough patriotism by being away from affiliations outside Bahrain. There was coexistence between the two communities Sunnis and Shiites that reached mating. We invite Al Wefaq to believe in dialogue and not in bullying. We now live in a period when we would like foster national unity as it was before,” he confirmed.
Ali Zayed added: “We call on the government to apply the law in order to preserve civil peace in Bahrain. We are all shocked after the government reneged on some decisions. Those whom the government pardoned re-violated the law and stirred up sedition again. And if the law had been applied, this would not have happened.” He confirmed that “being firm in applying the law is the right of the State”. He wondered why the state shows lax towards its rights. He stressed that poor enforcement of the law aggravates the crisis. “Law enforcement is the only safe way to stand against terrorists to avoid the strife and to end implementing the agenda of “Wilayat Al Faqih” in Iran. This will bring security and stability to the country. Bahrain is a state of institutions and of law. The government must not tolerate with those who violate the law.” he added. Ali Zayed also stressed that poor enforcement of the law will cause many problems for the state and citizens. “We do not want the state to go back to what it was on February 14. We call on the government to emphasize the application of the law because we are a state of institutions and law. Those who do not apply the law must be dismissed and give way to those who apply the law,” he confirmed. He noticed that lapses in applying the law would cause unrest. Trouble makers will commit more crimes if they feel they are safe. There are some Bahraini people who have committed abuses against their country which provided them with a decent livelihood, education, health and other services, Ali Zayed clarified.

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