Iran harasses Kuwait to attack Bahrain and the Gulf States from the north

The GCC and the Iranian conspiracy on Bahrain
Written By: Safee Al YaseereeMap_of_meiddel_east_350_x_294

Iran harasses Kuwait to attack Bahrain and the Gulf States from the north
Safee Al Yaseeree, the Iraqi writer and the strategic expert in Iranian affairs and the Middle East, said that Iran uses the sectarian tool against Bahrain to attack GCC and dethrone the regimes applying the ”domino theory”. He explained that the sectarian tensions in Bahrain are part of the Iranian plan and its interests in the region. Al Yaseeree also addressed the current tension between Kuwait and Iraq. The Kuwaiti authorities imposed preventive and strict security measures around Mubarak Port in Boubyan Island. This happened after receiving threats from armed Iraqi groups who were against achieving the Mubarak Port Project. The writer kept on explaining that the conflict on the Gulf is at the same time local, regional and international. It is also a conflict of existence, of national and of Arab nationalist identity. It has political, economic, cultural, historical and social reasons. However, in contemporary life, this conflict has been manifested by the appearance of the sectarian policy in Iran. So, Bahrain, the Pearl of the Gulf, has always been the first Iranian’s prey since Iran has had an eye on the Gulf west bank and on all its countries. This vision is not based on illusion or on wrong considerations whether imposed or emotionally-driven. It is rather a rigorous and objective diagnosis based on researches and minute follow-ups to behaviors which, after getting accumulated, have become very clear to any reasonable person. This is what has often prompted me to say that “Iran is now marking the conflict in the anxious archipelago by its hostility and by a sectarian approach. It uses the tool of sectarianism in its battle to make Bahrain its first booty; then attacks all other Gulf countries according to the domino theory taking what happened in the Far East after the defeat of America in Vietnam as an example. The next step will be to eradicate the Gulf’s Arab identity. Iran often declared in public that the Gulf is part of its territory. The last similar declaration was announced by both General Hassan Firouzabadi, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army and the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs. They both announced to Iranian media that Iran would not stand idly by in front of the invasion of Bahrain by the Peninsula Shield forces! However, the Iranian media and the complicit media forgot that the Peninsula Shield forces, a common army among the GCC, have entered Bahrain to answer the Bahraini government demand”. I am fully convinced that what took place in Bahrain is driven by Iran and is really a sectarian crisis for purposes that are not in favor of Bahraini citizens. And the revolution-which some duped Bahraini people, Iranians and their mercenaries promote- was in its essence nothing but an aggressive step against the independence, the sovereignty, the entity and the existence of Bahrain. The conflict in and over the anxious archipelago is happening because of Iran’s aggressiveness. And away from emotional reactions, ethnic and sectarian effects and doubt to name what happened a conspiracy, we will come up with a very important conclusion. It highlights the fact that there is a conflict of existence and of national identity with political, economic, cultural, historical, social and sectarian tools! It is a conflict about the distribution of the geopolitical and the demographic map: Bahrain, the Arabian peninsula east bank, down from the threatened Kuwaiti highlands, to the south of Oman. Bahrain is a historical land of paradise and immortality, or the ancient Paradise of Dilmun, as our Sumerian ancestors used to call it. Bahrain today, the Arab country, has a specific feature for conflict. It is a conflict of existence, continuity, Arab nationalist identity, national independence, being an Arab state, applying the Arab rule and regime, loyalty to the homeland and not to any other side. I really insist on the two terms hereafter: the Arab state as well as the Arab rule and regime as the conspiracy presents its fake and deceptive alternative. The alternative is an Islamic State and Islamic rule in its most atrocious face – the sectarian one. Worse, the tool inside is a distinct national, Arab, Arabian one characterized by its resistance and adherence to all the characteristics of the Arab personality. Bahrain and the other 5 Gulf countries, and about 130 Arab islands in the Arab archipelago are an entity and a vital area for a conflict of existence, of national identity or it can be a result of Iranian obsessive and occupying aggression full of domination and influence; we hope it will not lead to a form of occupation or causing a political and administrative appendage which is either clear or camouflaged for the whole or for a part of this entity. This will certainly lead to sectarian tools the tubers of which have been planted for successive generations. Now, it takes the form of public sectarian conflict without the slightest equivocation.

This is what I have always wondered about: “Have the GCC become aware of this truth? Has this awareness increased after the Bahraini crisis? Will the Gulf countries face the destiny of Taifa and the kings of the communities in Andalusia that we heard about in history? Will they regret being passive towards Iranian threats? First, I will describe the attitude of Abdul Latif bin Rashid Al Zayani, the Secretary General of Gulf Cooperation Council. He stressed the rejection of Iranian interference in the GCC countries affairs. He gets astonished by Iran’s double discourse to talk about Iranian internal freedom and the special affairs of the GCC countries. Zayani said in a press interview on April 4, 2011 broadcast by Al Arabiya satellite channel: ”The Iranian intervention in Bahraini affairs is still the concern of their Highnesses and Excellencies the Foreign Ministers of the GCC. This has been highlighted in their meeting on April 3, 2011 because of the seriousness of the Iranian interventions and practices that affect the security and stability in the region.” He also noted that the meeting itself –which is called extraordinary- reflects the discontent and anxiety of Iran’s behaviour. Zayani was also surprised by the Iranian double discourse. He added that “statements by Iranian officials, and media discourse spoke about the suppression of freedom and external pressure, while the Iranians know well that tyranny and oppression are widely practiced by the Iranian authorities. This oppression is clear and blatant against minorities and sects in Iran”. He stressed that “the attitude of the GCC countries is united against the foreign interventions. They are independent nations that know their countries’ interests”. He denounced Ahmadinejad’s declaration when he pinpointed that the Gulf States had responded to pressure from abroad to protect Bahrain. He said that “the Gulf States condemn blatant conspiracy on the safety and security of the GCC countries and the attempt to create sectarianism.” Zayani noticed that “the Peninsula Shield forces entered Bahrain in a legitimate and legal way according to the joint defence agreement of the GCC countries . These forces are in Bahrain to protect and defend it against any external or terrorist threat.” The foreign ministers of GCC countries have condemned, at the close of the Riyadh meeting, Iranian interference in their affairs and demanded that it should stop this aggressive policy. Ministers considered that Iranian interference in the affairs of Kuwait and Bahrain is a violation of international charters.” They also stressed the legitimacy of the existence of the Peninsula Shield forces in Bahrain. They also denounced the accusations included in the statement of the Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy in the Iranian Shura Council about Saudi Arabia, considering that this is a hostile and a provocative intervention in the internal affairs of the GCC countries. Commenting on this resolution, the Kuwaiti political analyst Ayed Al Manna said: “The condemnation of Iran is out of the need to show the great anger of the GCC countries against the blatant interventions in Bahrain and Kuwait. The condemnation is an index to other steps, including demanding Tehran to officially apologize for its intervention in the Gulf.” He warned that “in the event of continuing imbalance in the relations between the GCC and Iran, the latter will be the greatest loser.” Manna added that “the GCC countries have got a lot of options to deal with Iran especially that the Gulf is the economic lung to Tehran, in particular through Dubai and Kuwait”. Let’s now deal with the GCC attitudes one by one against Iranian intervention in Bahrain. Let’s deal first with Kuwait as it geographically located in the north of the Gulf.

Kuwait Attitude.

To be frank and objective, we can say that Kuwait has got two contradictory attitudes about the Bahraini events. We certainly know those who stand for the negative attitude and their power. This attitude cannot represent the essence of the Kuwaiti attitude. We understand, though, the tolerance of Kuwait with difference of opinion and freedom of speech, whether at the official or at the popular level. But the prominent attitude we rely on for documentation and history is the attitude of the Kuwaiti leadership. It declared without hesitation that Kuwait stands firmly with the independence of Bahrain, and refuses that anyone intervenes in its affairs, in recognition of the leadership of Kuwait that the Kuwaiti sovereignty and independence itself depends without any equivocation on the independence of Bahrain. That’s why Kuwait sent vessels to support the Peninsula Shield forces. During the events, which seemed open to many threatening alternatives on the whole Gulf region and not on Bahrain alone, His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, called Kuwaiti people to embody the spirit of citizenship and responsibility, while docked on the Bahraini shores a group of pieces of the Kuwaiti ship naval force. At that time, Kuwaiti vessels endorsed the work of the Peninsula Shield Force in Bahrain to show Kuwait’s solidarity. His Highness the Crown Prince called -while leading a meeting of the National Security Council with the presence of Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad- the citizens and the media to reflect the spirit of true citizenship, national responsibility, and awareness of the dangers and pitfalls of the current state. He also called on everyone to stand against seditions and prevent rivals from damaging the Gulf security. Sheikh Mohammed Khaled, the National Security Chief, has confirmed that the meeting dealt with analysing the events at the international, regional and the Arab region. He stressed the solidarity of Kuwait with the Kingdom of Bahrain.” At the level of MPs, Dr. Walid Tabtabai, a member in the Kuwaiti National Assembly, said that “appeasing Iran is a wrong policy. Concerning Bahrain, the Kuwaiti people refuse that the Kuwaiti government takes an abnormal decision which is incongruent with other Gulf countries. He added that “Kuwaiti security is inseparable from the security of her Gulf sisters.” Tabtabai has insisted that “the appeasement policy towards Iran had bad consequences in the past, and will have worse results in the future. Sedition in Bahrain is a great proof.” He also said “it is difficult to establish a good relationship with the current regime in Iran which only sees good neighbourliness on the basis of dependence and subordination to Iran”. He also stressed that “the protection of the Gulf States sovereignty requires great decisions and sacrifices.”

Al Tabtabai believes the Iranian officials’ threats that they will make the Gulf States pay the price of their support to Bahrain as not surprising. They are rather part of Tehran’s persistent policy to brandish threats and draw the Iranian people’s attention away from their internal problems by engaging in confrontations with neighboring countries.

Al Tabtabai urged the Kuwaiti security bodies to reinforce their pre-emptive measures, monitor territorial waters and bordering areas and keep an eye on suspicious people.

This occurred at a time the solidarity with Bahrain Forum organized by Al Umma (Nation) Fundamentals Assembly headed by MP Mohammed Haif stepped up its demands to the extent of interrogating His Highness the Prime Minister in case the government failed to send troops to Bahrain to take part in the Gulf-led initiative to maintain security there.

The forum highlighted the Iranian insidious hostility towards the region and its stealthy intervention in its countries. The speakers zealously warned of Iran’s intentions to sever Bahrain from the Gulf before targeting the rest of the countries one by one.

On his part, Al Tabtabai revived the demand to establish a United Gulf with Saudi Arabia as its centre and a powerful army capable of confronting the Iranian threat to the region.

Meanwhile, a nearly 5000-strong audience clamored: “The People want to send the army”, a resonant call that was fervently corroborated by MP Mohammed Haif who voiced his opposition to those who want to make Kuwait withdraw from its Gulf entourage and ignore the will of the people.

During the Forum which was attended by the son of the Bahraini Ambassador to Kuwait, Sheikh Salman bin Khalia bin Hamad Al Khalifa, amid loud and passionate applause, Haif accused Iran of messing up in the region, noting that it suppresses peaceful demonstrations and sends innocent people to the gallows.

Haif expressed astonishment at those who speak of violent suppression in Bahrain and turns a deaf ear to what Tehran commits. On his part, MP Jam’an Al Hareesh noted that Kuwait owes its liberation to the will of Allah first and the GCC forces, adding:” We are all Bahrainis and we say to anyone who threatens to overthrow Bahrain and cast it in the Iranian quagmire:” Shame on you, we are willing to foot it to Bahrain to defend it.”

Al Hareesh warned that a Persian Supremacist stratagem is behind the events in Bahrain, noting that when Ahmadi Nejad trampled on his opponents in Iran, no one from the opposition dared voice their disapproval. He stressed the need to send Kuwaiti forces to Bahrain.

On his part, ex-MP Fahad Al Khanah regarded hesitation to support Bahrain a serious infringement of Kuwait’s sovereignty and an attempt to alienate it from its deeply strategic Gulf environment. He expressed sorrow to Bahraini people for the faltering attitude of the Kuwaiti government

Al Khanah left the stage for MP Hussein Mazeed who stressed the need to send troops to Bahrain. He said:”We have regarded as plausible the Bahraini demonstrators’ demands for political reforms and better living conditions but we are dead set against the demand to topple the regime.”

Mazeed exhorted all the Gulf States to unite in confronting the Persians and their ill-intentioned plans. He regarded failure to send the troops as a sign of weakness and unmanliness.

MP Dhaif Allah Buramiya recalled the Gulf States’ support to the reforms in Bahrain and the unfortunate intervention of Iran which derailed the call for reforms into calls to oust the regime. He pledged that no one will ever be allowed to harm their brothers in Bahrain and condemned the Kuwaiti government for hesitating to send the troops.

In a statement that coincided with the forum, MP Falah Al Sawagh said: “We mustn’t forget our brothers in Bahrain.” He asserted Kuwaiti people’s wholehearted support to the kingdom and its stability. He expressed surprise at the Kuwaiti government’s hesitation to send troops to Bahrain despite the crystal clear Iranian intervention.

It might have been due to the delicate and unstable sectarian situation in Bahrain and the nature of the Kuwaiti medical delegation which was dispatched solely to offer assistance, the medical delegation didn’t enter Bahrain for fear of being a source of sectarian provocation and rekindling the dying embers.

I have to admit that reporting and blogging official documents have taken a large space in ​​this essay. And in my opinion this act takes its legitimacy because it is a display of public relations at the highest levels. The purpose is to deny the fabricated news and information and to distort analyses that the Iranian regime has promoted. It aims at questioning the official attitude of the Kuwaiti State after the Peninsula Shield forces entered Bahrain. They described the Kuwaiti attitude as though it were incongruent with its Gulf countries sisters. They took advantage of the spirit of tolerance and democracy in Kuwait. They also exploited the way the political regime and the media have dealt with incongruent attitudes of the State and Kuwaiti people. This was conducted by few personalities whose loyalty to Kuwait and to its Arab entity is questionable. In order to fulfil this documentation in relation with what happens nowadays, I remind you of Iranian incitement to Iraqis against Kuwait. Iranians provoke a storm of scepticism about the project of Mubarak Port and its possible drawbacks on Iraqi ports. I have already indicated that the failure of Iran to attack the Gulf, through Bahrain will push her to attack the Gulf from the north: from the Saudi-Kuwaiti border. Both Bahrain and Kuwait face the common danger, destiny and geography. And I warned before against the missile threat. This is what militias loyal to Iran alluded to use against Kuwait. Besides, we don’t forget that the Iranian regime is willing to ease the pressure on the Syrian regime loyal to him; willing to distract and spread threats far away from Syria. This is what we call the attempt of ‘balancing risks and challenges in the region.’ We know the truth and motive of the tensions the Kuwaiti- Iraqi relations witness. The Kuwaiti authorities imposed strict preventive security measures around Mubarak Port site in Boubyan Island. These measures were taken after Kuwait received threats by some armed Iraqi groups against carrying out the project: they are notably Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq which are known for their relationship with the Iranian regime. They confirmed that they own three self-developed missiles capable of striking targets deep in Kuwait. Iraq has officially demanded from Kuwait on July 27th to temporarily stop working in the Mubarak Port until making sure that Iraq’s rights in the shipping lines and free sail and security in the shared water are not affected if the project has been implemented. Kuwait, however, refused the demand, saying that it is not based on any legal basis. Kuwait renewed its emphasis that the project is located within its borders and does not hinder maritime navigation in Khor Abdullah. Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed in mid-July that the Mubarak Port project will be implemented on the Kuwaiti territory and nobody has anything to do with it. It indicated that this economic and vital project will serve all countries of the region, including Iraq and some countries of Central Asia. On May 25th, Hedi Al Amiri, the Iraqi Transport Minister, considered Kuwait’s decision to set up Big Mubarak Port near the Iraqi coast as a violation of 833 UN resolution issued by the Security Council. He pointed out that the Iraqi waterway will be part of the Kuwaiti Port. It follows that the construction of the Mubarak Port is a great injustice against Iraq. The tension is still at its peak between Kuwait and Iraq. Iraq accuses Kuwait of mobilizing its troops on the borders. Before ending my essay, I will convey this living scene to demonstrate the depth of solidarity between the people and the governments of Kuwait and Bahrain. According to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), when the Kuwaiti Embassy in Manama held a party in honor of Bahraini families that hosted the Kuwaitis during hard days, Sheikh Azzam Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Bahrain said: “the heroic and humanitarian attitude of the Bahraini Kingdom in times of hardship will be engraved in our minds and remain memorable in history”. He added that “the initiative of the Kuwaiti Embassy to honor Bahraini families is a kind of giving back to the humanitarian attitudes of the Bahraini people, and an initiative to thank then and show gratitude for what they did to alleviate the suffering of the Kuwaiti families during the invasion.” To add a human flavor to this Kuwaiti brotherhood, I inform you that many Kuwaiti friends expressed their ever-lasting gratitude to the Bahraini people and leaders who have provided them with the care they needed and housing. Hamad Town was almost left to Kuwaiti families. I will more specifically inform you of the comment of a Kuwaiti woman she has already posted on the website. She said in her Kuwaiti favorite dialect: “of course all GCC countries did their best during the invasion; but what our ambassador in Bahrain did is remarkable. We thank him for it. Clearly, Bahrainis are good and generous. I especially thank the family of Uncle Aziz Abdullah Al Nuaimi (Burashed) in West Riffa!” Finally, I have one comment to those who thought they were able to isolate Bahrain from other Gulf countries: Your attempt is doomed to failure.

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