Execution of Four Ahwazi Arab activists by the Iranian regime

Date: 18 June 2012
No: 226
Execution of Four Ahwazi Arab activists by the Iranian regimeahro34

Sources in Almalashieh, Ahwaz (Khuzestan province in south of Iran) has confirmed the Ahwazi Human Rights Organization (AHRO) in UK the execution of three Ahwazi Arab activists on Monday 18/06/2012.
The Iranian authority informed their families that they were executed by hanging and in secret. The executed people were named: Abd al-Rahman Heidarian (Nasser), 20 February 1989, Taha Heidarian (Jamshid), 24 March 1984, father of two, and Abbas Heidarian (Jasim), 29 October 1986, father of one., Ali Naami(Alsherifi).
The Ahwazi Human Rights Organization (AHRO) condemns this criminal act against these activists who did not have fair trial.  The European Parliament on its statement on 15/06/2012 asked the Human Right Organisations and United Nations for those people to have fair trial.
However, and two days later the Iranian regime has challenged the statement and condemnation by the European Parliament and executed the three innocent Ahwazi Arabs .
The Ahwazi Human Right Organization (AHRO) urges the EP to apply serious pressure on the Iranian regime to stop or delay the execution of other Ahwazi Arab detainees, to have fair trials, release innocent people, to stop further arrests and intimidation.  
Ahwazi Arabs, live in Ahwaz (South West of Iran called Khuzestan), oil-rich and fertile land with many rivers, suffer from poverty, lack of access to education, health, and employment.
Ahwaz Arabs had peaceful demonstration in April 2005, protested against persecution and marginalisation policies acted by the Iranian regime, and many protesters where arrested and some executed by the Iranian authorities. In April every year Ahwazi Arabs attend peaceful demonstration against the regime to change its policies and in early May 2011 eight people were executed.

Ahwazi Human Right Organisation (AHRO)

www.ahwazhumanrights.org         Email: ahro25@yahoo.co.uk           ahrofree@gmail.com

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