Protests in Ahwaz following execution of 4 activists

Date: 23 June 2012 No: 227
The Iranian regime harshly suppressed a protest march in mallashiya area west of Ahwaz city to condemn theahro34
execution of four Ahwazi Arab activists, arresting many and raiding houses in the area.
The four activists Abbas, Abdul- Rahman and Taha Haidaraan ( of one family) and their friend Ali Sharifi Naami were executed in Ahwaz on 17 June 2012. Their families were informed by the Intelligence and Security headquarter (Hefazat Etelaat) that they were executed by hanging and in secret.
Many people who attended the protest were detained and named as follows:
1- Mansour Bawi , 22 years, married, Reza Bawi, 19, single
2- Naser Bawi, son of Habib, 27, married with 2 children
3- Ismaeel Dahaimi, son of Jawad, 23
4- Rahim Silawi, 38, married, 6 children, detained 2 times previously
5- Ali Haidari, son of Shaee
6- Mohammad Haidari, son of Shaee
7- Jasem Haidari, son of Shaee
8- Hussein Haidari, son of Shaee
9- Kazem Haidari, son of Mohammad
10- Hakim Haidari, son of Mohammad
11- Radhi Silawi, 38, Poet
12- Jomaa Haidari, 45, married, 5 children
13- Naser Haidari
14- Adel Haidari
The Ahwazi Human Rights Organisation (AHRO) condemns this illegal execution and criminal act of Ahwazi Arab activists who didn’t receive a fair trial. The Iranian regime executed these men ignoring a plea earlier by The European Parliament for them to be retried and have a fair trial.
AHRO appeals to all human rights organisations and international bodies especially the European Parliament to take a firm stance and responsible position against these actions and to exert pressure on the Iranian regime to halt all other executions and provide a fair trial to all defendants.
It also demands the release of all political prisoners and urges the government to stop the suppression of peaceful protest and put end to arbitrary arrests and its campaign of intimidation, and the summon of activists’ and detainees’ families at home and abroad to security headquarters in order to terrorize and intimidate them.
AHRO asks the Islamic republic of Iran to respect individual rights and international agreements and conventions pertaining to universal human rights.
AHRO (Ahwazi Human Rights Organisation)
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