Iran’s Ramadan repression continues in Zergan

Tuesday, August 14, 2012 BAFS

Zergan, a deprived Arab neighbourhood in Ahwaz City

Intelligence services arrested and detained 25 year old Issam Imaain al-Zergani from the Zergan district of AhwazZergan_Ahwaz_360_x_276
City on August 11, according to the Ahwaz Struggle Movement. His home was raided and he was taken to an undisclosed location.

Zergan, located in the northeast of the city, has seen intensive operations by the Bassij, the Revolutionary Guards’ volunteer paramilitary group involved in violent internal repression.

The neighbourhood has been the focus of regime operations amid a clamp-down on Arab dissent during Ramadan. On 5 August, Iranian security forces detained 11 Arabs in Zergan district in the northeast of Ahwaz City, according to the Ahwazi Democratic Popular Front, an Arab party campaigning for independence. The 5 August arrests came a week after another round up of Arabs in Zergan district, including Bagher Gholami (Naami), Abu Ehagh, Hamid Sabea (Abu Mustafa), Hakem Eawayed (Abu Safa), Sabah Sharbaz (Abu Nasser) and Mansour Askari (Abu Ali).

The ADPF claims that increased repression has occurred in Zergan and neighbouring Zewie and Airport districts in response to a leafleting campaign against the Iranian occupation. However, it states that the arrests have been random and involved the detention of male members of entire families.



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