Regime hackvitists bring down Ahwazi websites

Ahwazi Arab websites and blogs were hacked and brought down by Iran’s cyber army during election day. In the run-up to the election, the Interner Hakar 140 x 112
websites of the Democratic Solidarity Party of Al-Ahwaz and the National Resistance of Al-Ahwaz were disabled by cyber attacks. On election day, the DSPA’s website was brought down once again along with the Ahwazi Arab People’s Democratic Popular Front by a group called the “Iran Cyber Army”. The attacks were not confined to the Ahwazi movement, but also struck sites belonging to the Green Movement.

Although such attacks are illegal, the Iranian government has openly declared them to be part of its ‘soft war’ strategy. Deputy of the Supreme Leader’s representative at the IRGC Brigadier General Mohammad Hossein Sepehr boasted earlier this year that Iran had the world’s “fourth largest cyber army” whose remit includes “stop and foil cyberspace activity by opposition elements and opponents of Iran, for whom cyberspace is a key platform for communicating, distributing information, and organizing anti-Iran activities.”

Opposition websites were offline for only a few hours, indicating that while the attacks were well-coordinated they were merely disruptive rather than fatal to website operations

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