Save Karoun River campaign website

Solidarity from Iranian environmentalist in Canada
The Save Karoun River movement has launched a website and begun a campaign on Twitter to draw global attention to the destruction of one of the Middle East’s most ecologically important rivers.

The website – – is a non-partisan attempt to generate international awareness over what the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has claimed is “comparable only to the deforestation rates of Amazonia and the desiccation of the Aral Sea.”

Meanwhile, activists are encouraging supporters worldwide to upload to social media a photograph themselves, preferably identifying where they are, with a print-out of the hashtag #SaveKarounRiver.

Following a protest in Ahwaz City, the Save Karoun movement has exploded in social media with thousands signing up to Facebook groups to protest at the drying of Iran’s largest river and its impact on the ecology and human welfare.

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