US, Iran on the brink of war

Written by Medya News on 01 February 2010

Central Command Chief David Petraeus, who is responsible for US military operations across the

Middle East, in early January warned of a series of ‘contingency plans’ in dealing with Iran’s

refusal to accept Western demands over its nuclear program.iran_nuclear_plant_z

London, Jan. 31 (AKnews) – In addition to imposing new sanctions on the Tehran government, the

US has reportedly begun beefing up its military presence and war paraphernalia off the Iranian


The Iranian triangle

Crucial battles are currently underway in Iran’s religious and political establishment, away

from the reach of the television cameras, writes Mustafa El-Labbad 


The final days of 2009 brought a dramatic shift in Iran’s domestic equation, creating a 010485

situation very different from the one that had prevailed only a few weeks earlier. New sets of

rules have come into play on the Iranian political scene, which has been